Climate Restoration: The Leading Edge of Climate Action

The Foundation for Climate Restoration (F4CR) is dedicated to restoring a safe and stable climate by 2050. By “historically safe,” we mean the climate in which humans have thrived for millennia – the pre-industrial climate.

There’s no denying that storms, floods, droughts, heatwaves, and wildfires are becoming more destructive, taking an ever-growing toll on lives, livelihoods, and ecosystems.

Yet, the current goal of climate action focuses only on avoiding the “worst effects” of climate change. Many people don’t realize that simply reducing emissions doesn’t address the vast amount of CO2 already in the atmosphere – the source of 95% of today’s climate chaos.


But what if, instead of just aiming to avoid catastrophe, we focused on restoring a safe climate for future generations?

What if the shift we need is one from merely lessening disaster to creating a future where both humanity and nature can thrive?

What if we already have the tools to restore the climate by harnessing Nature’s own methods to reduce atmospheric CO2? We just aren’t talking about it yet!


The fact is, climate restoration is possible – and it’s time to demand that it become the goal of climate action. We can no longer settle for merely reducing harm; we must call for true restoration, creating a future where both people and the planet can thrive. The time to shift our focus is now.

F4CR, along with our members, are changing the conversation to end the climate crisis.

You can help!


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About Us

The Foundation for Climate Restoration (F4CR) is an innovative non-profit dedicated to making climate restoration an idea whose time has come. We want the climate restored by 2050, and we’re working to make that the goal of all climate action.

Many people feel resigned about the climate, assuming it will only get worse. Climate restoration—the idea that we can and must restore a historically safe climate—remains relatively new. Achieving it depends on more people understanding its possibility and demanding a safe climate for our children and future generations.

F4CR is building the support necessary to restore a climate that’s safe for both humanity and the natural world. Our approach includes public information, communication, and advocacy.

Together, we can

Restore the climate.

F4CR is non-profit and non-partisan. Our members stand for a climate that supports the long-term survival and flourishing of humanity and our natural world.

We welcome you to stand with us. 


F4CR members and local chapters are the engine behind our outreach and advocacy efforts. They are building the climate restoration movement by educating environmental organizations, local communities, and the media.

Click here to join us!

Check out our map below for current chapters. If there isn’t one in your area, just reach out to us and we’ll help you get involved.
