- August 11, 2021
Why we’re not waiting for the IPCC to call for climate restoration If you’ve been reading the news, you probably heard that, on Monday, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change...
- July 14, 2021
Is Climate Restoration Possible? The question we hear more than any other about climate restoration is, “Is it possible?” It’s a good question, and we’re not going to answer it...
- July 2, 2021
The Hill 7-2-2021 Erica Dodds and Marcius Extavour Governments are adopting aggressive greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals. But they won’t be enough by themselves to keep global temperatures to 1.5...
- June 9, 2021
What is Climate Restoration? I remember the first time I heard about climate change, when my friend Eric gave a presentation about it to my Civics class. I had heard...
- October 13, 2020
SF Examiner Robyn Purchia 10-13-2020 “For the last 40 to 50 years, we’ve been talking about turning down the tap on carbon dioxide emissions, but we’ve been really slow to...
- October 7, 2020
El Pais Santi Carneri 10-7-2020 In this interview, on the occasion of her participation in the Global Climate Restoration Forum, Harada calls on the world to “drain” excess CO2 in...