Forbes 2-11-2022 Hersch Shefrin The Foundation for Climate Restoration (F4CR) is one institution focused on emerging CDR companies that hold the potential for...
Interesting Engineering 2-11-2022 Matthew S. Williams The world today faces a mounting environmental crisis. Rising levels of CO2 are leading to global...
Senate District 15 Senator Dave Cortese (D-Silicon Valley) has introduced SB 1297 to continue his innovative work on climate restoration. Cortese...
PR NEWSWIRE 2-10-2022 The Foundation for Climate Restoration (F4CR) today published its white paper entitled, Climate Restoration: Achieving and Safe and Healthy Climate...
10-5-2021 Scientists, Investors, Government Heads, and Thought Leaders Convene to Discuss Acceleration of the Movement to Restore Our Climate
Forbes 10-4-2021 Erik Kobayashi-Solomon Bad climate news was front and center in September. The month started with stories of Louisiana heat deaths...
HuffPost 9-23-2021 Krissy Brady Though not an official clinical diagnosis, the American Psychological Association defines eco-anxiety as “a chronic fear of...
PR NEWSWIRE 9-21-2021 LOS ALTOS, Calif., Sept. 21, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Foundation for Climate Restoration (F4CR) today announced its new CEO, Rick Wayman,...
Fast Company 9-13-2021 Adele Peters Thirty-three years ago, on a sweltering summer day in 1988, NASA scientist James Hansen stood up...